Classism by Luci

By: Luci
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= 3 billion dollars
= 12 million dollars
= 1000 dollars
Family= people

Classism is a terrible thing!
It's when someone in a higher class will say that the people in the lower class are less.
Classism is when people say that your in a lower, middle, or upper class (it's based on how much money you have). There are NOT very many people in the upper class! Some of the richest people in the world are: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates,Warren Buffett, Bernard Arnault, Mark Zuckerberg…  
Not saying that this is true,  but if the person who invented cars was in the upper class. She/he might say, “the people in the lower class deserve to be there, I worked very hard to get here all they have to do is invent something amazing and they can be here in the upper class”. But it's not that easy!
Maybe the people in the lower class have a different story, like if their family has been in the lower class for many years and they just can't get to a higher class!
The easy solution is if the people in the upper class share ENOUGH of their money with the lower, and middle class then all three classes will be equal!!!
Like so:
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My class and I are working very hard to show the world what is going on, and some people just don’t see it! We are working very, very hard on teaching people about A FEW of the “isms”!

That’s what our Blog is about!

“10% of people share 90% of global wealth
90% of people share 10% of global wealth”

Pie Chart:
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